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That Letter M by Mongabong

Dear M____

That Letter "M" means a lot to me - "mong", "micah", "matt".. my little family is all named starting with this letter. Many of my favourite words begin with that letter "M" too, like "mornings", "magic", "motivating", "meaningful", "merry", "mom".. etc

And that is why, I named my newest baby, THAT LETTER M

- Mong Chin, Founder

Mong Chin Yeoh, aka "Mongabong" is a beauty, lifestyle content creator based in Singapore. After a decade of sharing her beauty tips and recommendations online, she realised the impact having the right tools can make on enhancing one's beauty ritual and significantly enhance the effectiveness of our skincare routine. A well-respected guru in the beauty space, & an eczema-sufferer for the last 30 years, each product in That Letter M is meticulously sourced and produced with lots of care and love. Stay [M]erry ❤